fun activities
Special events like Sunday Serve, monthly missions, socials, and annual trips all designed to help your teen explore and grow in their faith.
Bible study and prayer
Sunday Life Group meets from 9:45AM-11:00AM in the Graves Ministry Center at 501 Progress St, Blacksburg.
time with new friends
Sunday Night Youth Group from 6:00PM to 7:30PM at the Graves Ministry Center at 501 Progress St, Blacksburg.
What your student can expect
Youth Ministry at Church on Main is not a cookie-cutter process. Our goal is to take students on a journey that creates spiritually solid and committed Christ-followers of all who choose to join us.
We intentionally create spaces for students to feel safe, seen, and loved. Our desire is to empower a generation to lead authentically, feel safe enough to wrestle with their faith, and pursue the God who pursues them.
We strive to create a culture where all welcome those who might feel unwelcome in too many places while connecting biblical integrity and literacy with actions that bring what we believe to life.
Answers to your questions
When do you meet?
Youth ministry happens Sunday morning through life groups at 9:45AM in the Graves Ministry Center and Sunday night Youth Group from 6:00-7:30PM.
where is the graves ministry center
Our student ministry is held in a separate building, the Graves Ministry Center, which is located directly behind the church at 501 Progress St, Blacksburg.
are you a welcoming & affirming church?
Jesus loved all. Jesus welcomed all. And so do we – it’s that simple. Church on Main is a safe place for you to be loved and accepted because we believe that’s what Jesus wants us to do.
Still have a question?
Email Rebecca Wheeler, Associate Minister to Family Life and Young Adults
If you attend in person, we'll be ready to greet you at either the 8:30AM & 11:00AM services each Sunday during our sanctuary renovations..
The address is 550 N Main St, Blacksburg, VA. We can't wait to see you!